Monday, November 29, 2010

My Journey Through Poetry

My poetry book, My Journey through Poetry ( (MJTP), is finally in its final editing stage and should be expected to hit stores by Christmas. MJTP is my first solo book of poetry and is a collection of motivational pieces for children, adolescents, students and others alike who are trying to find themselves and love themselves in this world. I hope to do readings and a book signing at TC in the near future. Be on the Look out. Check out my website: to learn more or you can just ask me. I am always around.
Abrazitos y Besitos!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Is Black In? If Bloomberg has his way...

When I heard NYC Schools Chancellor Joel Klein called it quits, I think I sat in shock for a good 30 seconds. After regaining attention, and scouring GothamSchools and the New York Times for details, I become more and more intrigued by Bloomberg's proposed candidate to take Klein's Place--Ms. Cathie Black. A former publishing executive, who sat on the Board of Coke-Cola. Way to stick it to the folks already at the Department of Education, Mayor Bloomberg!

Let's be real, everyone anticipated Klein's replacement would likely follow Bloomberg's lead, some even saying be his new "puppet." Yet, were we prepared for someone who not only lacked experience in the public sector, but also has no association to NYC Public Schools (other than sitting on the board of a charter school for a month)? To the chagrin of some teachers and education advocates (at least the ones I've talked to), Black is in and one waiver away from heading one of the largest school systems in the United States. Some think Black's appointment is what NYC Public Schools needs: a strong leader who has monitored the growth of business and knows what it takes to bring parties together to achieve a goal.

What are your thoughts and feelings? Here's what some members of the Black Student Network said:

Simone Perry: "After reading her bio, seeing her little [education] experience, and noticing that her children don't even go to school in NY state, I wonder how she is qualified for this position. Someone who runs magazines is going to be making decisions about schools? That really scares me especially because of the negative hold the media has on the development of children."

Crystal Francis: "So...let me get this order to teach 20 first graders, I need a Master's degree, but to lead a district responsible for 1.1 million students, I need a bachelor's degree and friends in high places?? Try again Mayor Bloomberg. Our students deserve better than this."

Kody Melancon: "It is obvious some political leaders have not quite come to the realization that change in education is not necessarily around how well one manages, but rather how well one knows the core dimensions of education, and how to effectively institute change based on local interest. Most business leaders must prove themselves in their respective field before rising through the ranks. In the same regards, I think it is essential for leaders in education to successfully demonstrate that they are able to produce quality results and effectively manage schools before ascending into top educational posts."

Alexandra Greene: "Education is the test tube baby of professions. In no other industry would an absolute layperson be chosen to lead one of its largest and most complex organizations. Even worst is having to work for someone with no experience in a field that most have spent their entire careers in."

Joyce Mixson: "I wonder whether Bloomberg has our best interest at heart. Who he chooses for chancellor says a lot about how he perceives urban education. Placing business people in chancellor positions without a strong educational background is basically saying to us that anyone can do the job. You will never see just anyone become a surgeon without adequate training, therefore, education needs the same respect."

Terrance McKnight: "I disagree with the stance that an educator has to lead the DOE. The Chancellor's position is far removed from the individual classroom. A person who knows how to directly impact student performance is not needed; that is the role of teachers and principals. What is needed is described below, taken from the Job Description of the Chancellor:

'The Chancellor of the New York City Department of Education serves as chief executive officer for the city school district and the superintendent of schools.'

Based on her history, Ms. Black could potentially fill the role required. In addition, a professional tenure as long as hers is the same as a continued educational career, in my opinion."

We want to hear more! Add your voice and comment below! As always, if you have a blog to contribute, please contact for more information.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Free Movie Screening!

Beyond the Statistics

are the real stories of the children

Beyond the Obstacles

are the promises of the past

Beyond the Bricks

are the hopes of tomorrow

You are invited to join us for a private screening of Beyond the Bricks

Day/Time: Tuesday, November 9 at 5pm

Location: Milbank Chapel

And a Town Hall Discussion* with the film’s Director, Derek Koen & National Scholar, Dr. Ivory Toldson (featured in the film) and a reception will follow. Light refreshments will be served.

This Town Hall format is intended to give pre-service and in-service teachers insight into the influence they have in the lives of children they are charged to educate.

Beyond the Bricks Project is a documentary and national community engagement campaign created with the goal of promoting local and national solutions to one of America’s crucial problems in the consistently low performance of Black males in school. The film includes commentary from some of the country’s foremost leaders, experts and scholars focused on Black males and their education including Newark, NJ’s mayor, Cory Booker, Reverend Al Sharpton, Schott Foundation President Dr. John Jackson, Dr. Pedro Noguera, and Dr. Ivory Toldson, among others. (

Individuals with disabilities are encouraged to contact OASID at, (212) 678-3689, (212) 678-3853 TTY, (866) 755-3144 video phone, as early as possible to request reasonable accommodations, such as ASL interpreters, alternate format materials, and a campus map of accessible features.